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Proposed Application for American Relief Act Child Care Disaster Funds Open for Public Comment

The Office of Child Care (OCC) is pleased to share a Federal Register notice announcing that a 60-day public comment period is now open for the proposed application for disaster relief funding provided in the American Relief Act, 2025 (ARA). The Federal Register notice and a copy of the draft Program Instruction (PI) that includes the application can be found on the OCC website. This PI is not yet final since the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is required to solicit public comments under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) before publishing the final version.

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The ARA provided $250,000,000 in disaster relief funding to OCC to distribute to eligible states, territories, and Tribes. This funding was in response to the consequences of major disasters and emergencies declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) that occurred in 2023 and 2024. OCC will request information from eligible Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Lead Agencies interested in receiving these funds. OCC will use the information received to inform decisions about distribution of funds and plans to award these funds by September 30, 2025.

In compliance with the requirements of PRA, ACF seeks public comments on this proposed application until March 18, 2025. In addition to comments on the draft PI, ACF is soliciting public comments on whether OCC should (before receiving Lead Agency applications for funding) establish funding ranges for the size of grants based on certain factors and, if so, what those ranges and factors should be.

In addition to the link above, a copy of the draft PI can be obtained by emailing All requests should be identified by the title of the information collection. Comments are due within 60 days of publication and should be submitted by sending an email to

In Case You Missed It


OCC published several data summaries and reports on our website in recent days, including:

  1. CCDF Administrative Data

  2. Preliminary FY 2022 CCDF Administrative Data

  3. Final FY 2021 CCDF Administrative Data

  4. These data tables summarize the most recently published administrative data that describes the characteristics of children and families receiving CCDF and the services they receive, as reported by states and territories (on the ACF-800 and ACF-801).

  5. FY 2020-2021 CCDF Report to Congress

  6. This biennial report to Congress, required by the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, describes CCDF services.

  7. CCDF 2022 Priorities for Services Report

  8. This annual report describes how CCDF Lead Agencies prioritize services for children from families with very low income, children with special needs, and children experiencing homelessness.

  9. American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Child Care Stabilization Fact Sheet

  10. This fact sheet provides final data describing the impacts of the ARP Child Care Stabilization funds.

  11. Report on The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act Funding Use for Child Care

  12. This report describes how CCDF Lead Agencies used the $10 billion in supplemental CCDF funding provided by the CRRSA Act. 

  13. American Relief Act (ARA), 2025 CCDF Non-Disaster Supplemental Allocation Tables

  14. For States and Territories

  15. For Tribes

  16. These tables list the amount of non-disaster CCDF funding received by each state, territory, and Tribal Lead Agency under the American Relief Act of 2025 (ARA), which included $250 million of CCDF discretionary supplemental funding.

  17. Grant Year (GY) 2023 Pre-Final Allocation Table for States and Territories

  18. This table lists the amount of CCDF funding received by each state and territory in grant year 2023.


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Our purpose is to enhance the quality of life of Native Children through education, leadership, and advocacy.

The National Indian Child Care Association is a not-for-profit grassroots alliance of Tribal child care programs and is recognized as tax-exempt under the internal revenue code section 501(c)(3) and the organization’s Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 73-1459645.

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