The National Indian Child Care Association is the only nationally organized grassroots alliance of Tribally-governed and operated child care and early learning programs. NICCA was established in 1993 to provide information, support, coordination, and advocacy for Tribal child care. Tribal child care programs serve over 300,000 American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian children from over 500 Federally recognized Tribes across the United States. NICCA serves Tribal governments operating the federally-funded Child Care and Development Fund and those operating their own, Tribally funded child care programs and services. We promote and support Tribal governments designing and implementing programs which are beneficial to the unique needs of their own Tribal citizens.

Our purpose is to enhance the quality of life of Native Children through education, leadership, and advocacy.
Our Mission
To promote high quality culturally relevant child care and development and to unify tribes and tribal organizations by providing leadership, support and advocacy on behalf of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians.

Our Vision
Tribal communities coming together to nurture & empower our children to lead our future.