The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) supports the research, collaboration, and leadership that Tribal communities, programs, and families need. We are excited to announce that the ACF’s Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) anticipates funding two programs to support research led by Tribes.

To view the estimated application due dates, subscribe to email notifications, and access links to other information, visit for the Tribal Early Childhood and Family Economic Wellbeing Research Center (TRC) and the Tribal Child Care Data and Research Capacity Awards. For more information relevant to Tribes and Tribal partners, we encourage you to subscribe to other forecasted opportunities, such as Child Care Policy Research Partnerships. For more information about applying for ACF grants, visit ACF’s newly designed grants home page. Please circulate this information to any interested parties.
Note: These forecasted grant opportunities are contingent on available funds and the continued interest of the federal government.