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Participate in the National Survey of Family Child Care Networks

From our partners - Erikson Insitute

National Survey of Family Child Care Networks

We want to hear from you!

Does your organization offer services targeted to family child care providers and/or family, friend, and neighbor caregivers?

Erikson Institute is conducting a national survey of networks and other staffed programs that provide a menu of on-going supports to home-based child care providers (including family child care and family, friend, and neighbor caregivers). The survey seeks responses from program directors from any of the following organizations:

  • Child care resource & referral agencies that have programs specifically targeted toward family child care providers and/or family, friend and neighbor caregivers

  • Family child care networks

  • Early learning hubs or satellite programs

  • Family child care systems

  • Early Head Start and Head Start programs that partner with family child care providers

  • Unions that offer services to providers

  • Provider associations with staff who deliver services

  • Shared service alliances that focus on family child care

The survey asks about the following:

  • Organizational characteristics

  • Funding and staffing strategies

  • Services available for family child care and /or family, friend, and neighbor caregivers

Findings from the survey will be used to inform policy and program initiatives aimed at improving quality of caregiving for the millions of young children in these early care and education settings.

If you want to be part of this exciting effort, please follow the link below to complete the survey:

(Please note that only one survey should be completed by each organization. If your organization receives multiple invitations to complete this survey, please make sure that only one survey is completed. As a thank you for your time and effort in completing the survey, the first 50 respondents will receive a $25 Amazon gift card.)

Questions? Feel free to contact Patricia Molloy at Erikson Institute for more information:



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Our purpose is to enhance the quality of life of Native Children through education, leadership, and advocacy.

The National Indian Child Care Association is a not-for-profit grassroots alliance of Tribal child care programs and is recognized as tax-exempt under the internal revenue code section 501(c)(3) and the organization’s Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 73-1459645.

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