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Webinar: Findings from the First National Study of Tribal Head Start Pograms

The American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey: Study Progress and Selected Findings from the First National Study of Tribal Head Start Programs

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Webinar Overview: The American Indian and Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES) was designed and implemented through a partnership of tribal Head Start leaders, researchers and federal officials. It is the first study of tribal Head Start programs nationwide. The study was conducted with 21 Region XI tribal Head Start programs in the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016. The collaborative process for designing the study, selected findings, and next steps will be shared with webinar participants.

About the Presenters:

Dr. Lizabeth Malone is a senior survey researcher at Mathematica Policy Research in Washington DC. Over the last 15 years, she has contributed to the design, implementation, and analysis of several national studies on children’s development and early care and education settings, including the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies (ECLS). She is the current project director of FACES and the American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES).

Dr. Jerry West is a Research Affiliate with the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology at the University of Maryland - College Park and a retired Senior Fellow at Mathematica Policy Research. He has more than 30 years of experience designing and conducting national studies of children, their families, and their early care and education experiences. He was the FACES project director from 2006 until his retirement in 2015.

Dr. Michelle Sarche is a researcher at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Colorado School of Public Health, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health where she has been on the faculty since 1998. She co-directs the Tribal Early Childhood Research Center, and assists in the leadership of the AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Jacki Haight has been the Head Start director for the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe for 30 years. She has served on the National Indian Head Start Directors Association (NIHSDA) Board for over 10 years, on the Executive Committee for 8 years and as the President of NIHSDA from 2012 -2014. She has been a member of the AI/AN FACES Workgroup responsible for guiding the planning and implementation of the study from the start.

Angie Godfrey is the Office of Head Start Regional Program Manager for Region XI (AI/AN) Head Start. She will be offering opening remarks and a brief commentary.

Questions: Please contact Dr. Lizabeth Malone at

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