In addition to a phenomenal line up of speakers and presenters, NICCA's partners and sponsors will be hosting a lot of really great, engaging events! Check them out below (use the information to RSVP).

Delaware Child Development Traditional Hog Fry
The Delaware Child Development program will be hosting a traditional hog fry fundraiser at Sunset Ranch where DCD has community gardens that are use to feed the children at the DCD programs. The event will be on Monday, September 11, 2017, at 6:00 pm at Sunset Ranch in Ramona, Oklahoma (about 30 miles north of the conference hotel). Transportation is included in the cost of your ticket! Food and entertainment are also included. Limited availability, so sign up today! 100% of proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to NICCA.
Program Tours: Delaware Child Development and
Muscogee Creek Nation

The Delaware Child Development Program invites conference attendees to visit their center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and their community gardens at Sunset Ranch, 20 miles south of Bartlesville, to see their program and the garden that supplies fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs to their centers. Attendees will have an opportunity learn more about the services they provide to their children and families.

The Muscogee Creek National Child Care Program invites conference attendees to visit their center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to see their program and learn more about the services they provide to their children and families. Transportation is included in the cost of the ticket.

Lakeshore Learning Special Reception
Lakeshore Learning will host a reception for all attendees on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, at 5:00 pm in the Ballroom Foyer. Light refreshments will be served.
Lakeshore Learning Directors’ Luncheon

Lakeshore Learning will host a luncheon for all directors and administrators in attendance at the conference on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at 1:00 pm. There will be no fee for attending and it is open to all directors and administrators. RSVP to Olivia Hunt by September 6th, 2017, by phone (877) 561-5406 or email using the link below. A hot lunch and door prizes will be provided. Click here to learn more.
...And don't forget to register for the conference!