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Information Memorandum for the Early Head Start - Child Care Partnerships - Available Now!

Dear Colleagues:

We are pleased to share this Information Memorandum (IM), which provides policy and program guidance for the Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCP). The IM was jointly developed by the Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Office of Head Start (OHS), Office of Child Care (OCC), and Office of Early Childhood Development. We view these EHS-CC Partnerships as a national learning laboratory for how to provide and better align our early childhood efforts for high-quality infant-toddler care. State and local Child Care and Development Fund administrators, Head Start Collaboration Offices, Federal staff from Head Start and child care Regional Offices, other State and local Head Start and child care stakeholders, advocates, and philanthropic organizations are vital partners for ensuring the success of this program, and we look forward to our continued work together.

The EHS-CCP program will enhance and support early learning settings to provide full-day/full-year, seamless, and comprehensive services that meet the needs of low-income working families and of parents in school; increase access to high-quality, full-day child care (including family child care); support the development of infants and toddlers through strong relationship-based experiences; and prepare them for the transition into Head Start and preschool. The EHS-CCP program is a unique opportunity that brings together the best of Early Head Start and child care through the layering of funding to provide comprehensive and continuous services to low-income infants, toddlers, and their families. The 275 Federal EHS-CCP grants are increasing access to high-quality infant-toddler care through innovative partnerships with local child care and family child care programs across the country.

The IM is available here: For more information about the EHS-CC Partnerships, visit

Please direct any questions on this IM to your ACF Regional Office.

Thank you for your ongoing support on behalf of the children and families in this country.

/ Linda K. Smith / / Blanca Enriquez / / Rachel Schumacher /

Linda K. Smith Dr. Blanca Enriquez Rachel Schumacher

Deputy Assistant Director, OHS Director, OCC

Secretary for Early

Childhood Development, ACF

OCC heart logo.

Office of Child Care

Administration for Children and Families

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Aerospace Building, Fifth Floor East

370 L’Enfant Promenade, S.W.

Washington, DC 20447

General office number: (202) 690-6782

Fax: (202) 690-5600

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