Get Involved
Under 5
Hoop Dance Heroes! (Spirit Rangers)
Karissa Valencia
Madelyn Goodnight
With Our Orange Hearts
Phyllis Webstad
Under 5, Ages 5-8
Did You Hear Wind Sing Your Name?: An Oneida Song of Spring
Sandra De Coteau Orie
None listed
Ages 5-8, Ages 9-12
Fall In Line, Holden!
Daniel W. Vandever
Ages 5-8
Beauty Beside Me: Stories of My Grandmother's Skirts (English and Navaho Edition)
Serphine G. Yazzie
Baby Learns About Seasons (English and Navaho Edition)
Jessie Eve Ruffenach
Ages 9-12, Ages 5-8
I Am Not a Number / Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii (English & Ojibwa Edition)
Dr. Jenny Kay Dupuis & Kathy Kacer
Gillian Newland
A Is for Acorn: A California Indian ABC
Analisa Tripp
Lyn Risling
Thunder Boy Jr.
Sherman Alexie
Yuyi Morales
Mama, Do You Love Me?
Barbara Joosse
Ages 9-12
In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse
Joseph Marshall III
Jim Yellowhawk
Fatty Legs
Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton & Christy Jordan-Fenton
Liz Amini-Holmes
Loving Me
Debbie Silver
First Laugh--Welcome, Baby!
Rose Ann Tahe
Nancy Bo Flood
We Sang You Home
Richard Van Camp
Julie Flett
Hiawatha and the Peacemaker
Robbie Robertson
David Shannon
In the Red Canoe
Leslie A. Davidson
Laura Bifano
My Heart Fills With Happiness / sâkaskinêw nitêh miywêyihtamowin ohci (Cree and English Edition)
Monique Gray Smith
Danielle Daniel
First Fire: A Cherokee Folktale
Nancy Kelly Allen
Sherry Rogers
We All Play
Journey of the Freckled Indian: A Tlingit Culture Story
Alyssa Kalyn London
Monica Rickert-Bolter
Sharice’s Big Voice: A Native Kid Becomes a Congresswoman
Sharice Davids, Nancy K. Mays
Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley
Welcome Song for Baby: A lullaby for newborns
Saltypie: A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into Light
Tim Tingle
Karen Clarkson
Stolen Words (English Version)
Melanie Florence
Gabrielle Grimard
The Great Giants of the Arctic: Bilingual Inuktitut and English Edition
Jaypeetee Arnakak
Kaja Kajfež
Walking Together
Albert D. Marshall, Louise Zimanyi
Emily Kewageshig
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
Paul Goble
D Is for Drum: A Native American Alphabet
Michael Shoulders & Debbie Shoulders
Irving Toddy
Baby Learns to Count
Baby's First Laugh
Coyote and the Turkey
Nashoba Gene Thompson
Stand Like a Cedar
Nicole I. Campbell
Carrielynn Victor
Wild Berries
When the Shadbush Blooms
Carla Messinger
Susan R. Katz
When We Were Alone
David A. Robertson
Dear Miss Karana
Eric Elliott
We Sang You Home / kikî-kîwê-nikamôstamâtinân (Cree and English Edition)
Little You / Gidagaashiinh (English and Ojibwa Edition)
Cradle Me
Powwow's Coming
Linda Boyden
Coyote and the Grasshoppers: A Pomo Legend
Gloria Dominic
Charles Reasoner
In My Anaana's Amautik
Nadia Sammurtok
Lenny Lishchenko
Jingle Dancer
Cynthia Leitich Smith
Cornelius Van Wright, Ying-Hwa Hu
Owls See Clearly at Night/Lii Yiiboo Nayaapiwak lii Swer: A Michif Alphabet/L'Alfabet Di Michif
Ages 5-8, Under 5
Finding My Dance
Ria Thundercloud
Kalila J. Fuller
On the Trapline
Sweetest Kulu
Celina Kalluk
Alexandria Neonakis
The Blue Roses
Amy Cordova
The Girl and the Wolf
Katherena Vermette
The Cottonwood Sings
Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo
How the World Was Made / ᎡᎶᎯ ᎤᏙᏢᎿ ᏣᎳᎩ ᎧᏃᎮᏓ (Cherokee and English Edition)
Brad Wagnon
Alex Stephenson
The Gift of the Sacred Dog
Circle of Wonder: A Native American Christmas Story
N. Scott Momaday
Baby Learns About Weather
Ancestor Approved: Intertribal Stories for Kids
Wilma's Way Home: The Life of Wilma Mankiller
Doreen Rappaport
Linda Kakuk
Fire Race: A Karuk Coyote Tale of How Fire Came to the People
Jonathan Landon
Lanny Pinola
Greet the Dawn: The Lakota Way
S. D. Nelson
Ispík kákí péyakoyak/When We Were Alone
Jan Bourdeau Waboose
Brian Deines
Crossing Bok Chitto: A Choctaw Tale of Friendship & Freedom
Jeanne Rorex Bridges
Zoe and the Fawn
Catherine Jameson
Cradle Me (Navajo/English edition)
Debby Silver
We All Count: A Book of Cree Numbers
Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message
Chief Jake Swamp
Erwin Printup Jr.
Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii / I Am Not a Number
Dr. Jenny Kay Dupuis, Kathy Kacer
Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock
Dallas Hunt
Amanda Strong
ASHA My First Pow Wow Dance (Kwekwa Storytelling)
Jocelyn L Mackenzie
Danang Prasajatama
Still This Love Goes On
Buffy Sainte-Marie
The People Shall Continue
Simon J. Ortiz
Sharol Graves
At the Mountain's Base
Traci Sorell
Weshoyot Alvitre
Mission To Space
John Harrington
kimotinâniwiw itwêwina / Stolen Words
Waa'aka': The Bird Who Fell in Love with the Sun
Cindi Alvitre
Carly Lake
The Land of the Great Turtles / ᎦᏙᎯ ᎠᏁᎲ ᏧᎾᏔᏂ ᏓᎦᏏ (Cherokee and English Edition)
Fox Song
Joseph Bruchac
The Flute Player: An Apache Folktale
Michael Lacapa
Bowwow Powwow
Brenda J. Child
Jonathan Thunder
Baby Learns About Senses (English and Navaho Edition)
When We Are Kind / Nihá’ádaahwiinít’íigo (English and Navaho Edition)
Nivole Neidhardt
When I was Eight
Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton
Hungry Johnny
Cheryl Kay Minnema
Wesley Ballinger
C is for Chickasaw
Wiley Barnes
Aaron K. Long
Adopted by Indians: A True Story
Thomas Jefferson Mayfield
Rick Jones
Kunu's Basket: A Story from Indian Island
Lee DeCora Francis
Susan Drucker
My Heart Fills With Happiness
Dream Wolf
Dragonfly Kites (Songs of the North Wind)
Tomson Highway
Rabbit Wants More Sense
Knots on a Counting Rope
Bill Martin Jr., John Archambault
Ted Rand
Little You
Berry Song
Michaela Goade
A Day with Yayah
Nicola I. Campbell
The Boy Who Dreamed of an Acorn
Leigh Casler
Shonto Begay
The Apple Tree
Sandy Tharp-Thee
Marlena Campbell Hodson
We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga
Frane Lessac